Where your life lessons become their life line

Transform your hard-won battles with addiction, relationships, or parenting into support for someone else. Become a Fello, share your experience, and earn up to $56/hour.


Earn up to $56/hour in 3 steps.


Sign up.
Download the app and sign up to be a Fello. Tell us about yourself.


Get verified.
Fill out onboarding documents and complete the 3 to 6 hours of training.


Start helping.
Choose your hours and start making up to $56/hour without leaving your home.

Get paid to pay it forward.

Hear what Fellos have to say.

Matt M.


I became a Fello because...

"I want to help new parents through the fear and uncertainty we experienced after having a child with Down Syndrome."

Katye S.

Mom & Sounding Board

I became a Fello because...

"I felt so alone, for so long while I was going through something so hard. I thought if I had just one person to talk to and be honest with it would have made all the difference. I want to be that for as many people I can."

David G.

Military Vet

I became a Fello because...

"Everyone deserves to have a shoulder to lean on."

Stephani W.


I became a Fello because...

"I remember struggling early on as a mother. I love that Fello gives me a chance to share my experience and make the journey easier for others."

Khelsei S.

Mom & Disabled Baddie

I became a Fello because...

"I've had a real rollercoaster of a life. I think I have a lot of valuable insights to offer"

Adam P.


I became a Fello because...

"I've tried traditional therapy, meditation, and lots of other tools. I've seen more progress in one session on Fello than everything else combined."

Brianna F.

Late Coming Out, Mom

I became a Fello because...

"Growing up I didn’t have the representation and support I was so desperately looking for. Fello connects people that may have never had the opportunity to feel seen and heard."

Renya K.

Single Mom, Grief Survivor

I became a Fello because...

"I want to offer connection and empathy. I know sometimes it's easier to talk with a stranger about difficult issues."


What is Fello?

Simply put, Fello connects you with people who've been there. Fello is a community where you get affordable, practical guidance from someone who has shared life experience and has successfully overcome challenges you are facing.

How can I become a Fello?

Once you've completed a background and reference check and passed training, you can set availability on your profile, help Finders, and get paid.

How does training work?

After you've set up your account in the app and passed the background and reference checks, watch your email for a link to Fello Training.  Our program was developed with licensed therapists and will equip you with tools for providing effective support to others.  Training is conducted online at your own pace and takes about 3 to 6 hours to complete. You must pass an online assessment to become an active Fello.

What types of lived experience support does Fello offer?

The Fello platform enables check-ins between individuals who have gone through alcohol use or drug use (reducing consumption or getting sober), parenting (infertility, pregnancy, adoption, single parenting, and various infant-, toddler-, young child-, and teen-specific issues) and relationships (communication, appreciation, or financial issues, bad breakup, divorce, infidelity, loneliness, and more).

How do Fellos earn money?

Fellos earn money through check-ins with a Finder. The majority of what a Finder pays is passed along to the Fello in return for the service they provide. Fello (the company) retains a platform fee.

How do Fellos receive payment?

Fellos are paid for completed check-ins on a weekly basis. Part of setting up your account includes a method to receive payments from Fello Co.

Are Fellos employees of Fello Co.?

Fellos are contractors, not employees, of Fello Co. Contract positions offer more flexibility, meaning you can scale up or down the amount of check-ins you offer to fit your lifestyle.  Contract positions do not include benefits like health insurance or paid time off. You will fill out a W-9 Form before you start and be provided with a Form 1099 to report your annual income from Fello Co.

Who can become a Fello?

Anyone who has lived experiences in the categories offered can become a Fello. You must be 18 or older and pass our screening and onboarding steps. You also need to be using the Fello platform in the U.S.

Get paid to pay it forward.

Download the app to become a Fello today.